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Pros and Cons of Battery-Electric Versus Plug-in Hybrids

Pros and Cons of Battery-Electric Versus Plug-in Hybrids

January 10, 2022By Jack Nerad

The buzz around electric vehicles is, well, electric. Several global carmakers have announced their intentions of an all-electric future with ambitious goals of selling nothing but electric cars by 2035. At the same time, some governments around the world are pushing equally ambitious goals regarding electric-vehicle...

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What Is the Best Way to Finance a New Car?

What Is the Best Way to Finance a New Car?

This article is written for those millions of car buyers who would like to get as close as they can to the benefits of paying cash for a car but — for one reason or another — can't quite get there. Perhaps it should've been titled "What Is the Second-Best Way to Finance a New Car?" And that's what we will discuss...

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How Can I Buy a Car Online?

How Can I Buy a Car Online?

It's no news to you that online shopping has become the go-to method of purchasing a wide variety of items. The convenience and simplicity of online buying are almost impossible to beat. This of course begs the question: how can I buy a car online? Millions of consumers want the answer to this question because buying...

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Buying a Car in the Age of COVID-19

Buying a Car in the Age of COVID-19

Remember the good old days? They weren't 50 years ago, 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago; the good old days for car buyers were the waning months of 2019, a scant two years ago. In late 2019, a handful of Americans contracted a strange respiratory illness that involved a fever, body aches, severe fatigue, and oddly,...

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Five Things You Should Know Before You Go Into the Dealership

Five Things You Should Know Before You Go Into the Dealership

An amazing number of people drive into a car dealership on a whim and end up buying a new car that same day. They didn't set out that day to buy a car. They didn't do much research on what car would be right for them. And they had no idea of what kind of car they could afford. Essentially their car purchase was an...

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